Thursday, 27, Mar, 11:17 PM


The foundational elements of access to information are records management, open data, data protection, and proactive disclosure. Access to information cannot be talked about without a foundation for records management to ensure an efficient records-keeping culture in the country, especially at MDA level. Transparency, accountability and good governance can only be given a clean bill of health when data is seen to be open, easily understandable, freely available and directly accessible to those who will be affected by government policies and practices; when the citizens at large are seen to have confidence in the process. Data, when shared in an open and standardized format, can foster collaboration and enable greater and timely access to vital information.

Sierra Leone has made significant strides towards establishing the structural and legal foundations for a comprehensive Open Data Initiative. The government established the Open Government Initiative (OGI) in 2008, followed by the enactment of the Right to Access Information Act in 2013, the accession to the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in 2014 and the establishment of an Open Data Portal which provides further justification for a dedicated open data initiative. The Right to Access Information Act provides an important basis for open data and proactive publication obligations for every public authority and the approval of publication schemes. The RAI Act also provides for the record and maintenance of records by public authorities in a manner that facilitate the right to access information and in accordance with the Code of Practice referred in subsection (2) of section 27 of the RAI Act which provides for record keeping, maintenance, as well as transfer of records to public archives.

Records Management, Open Data, Data Protection, and Proactive Disclosure of Information form the core programmes of the Commission. The implementation of these programmes constitutes another big challenge of the Commission. In its effort to ensure an effective implementation of the RAI Act, the Commission looked into the existing projects supporting these programmes, reviewed and expanded on them through collaboration and coordination. Furthermore, it strengthened the units that provide the professional direction in the delivery of these programmes. However, limited funding has been an impediment to the programme implementation process, hence the need for collaboration.

Also See the following:

  • Open Data & PDI
  • Data Protection
  • Records Management

Useful Links




Right to Access Information Commission:  Promoting Open Governance for Sustainable Socio-Economic Development Through Transparency and Accountability.


Our Contact

RAIC National Secretariat

58 Krootown Road,  

Freetown, Sierra Leone               

Tel: + 232 30 359669

      + 232 79 131744

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